What to Expect
Welcome to First Baptist Church Port Tampa
Due to COVID-19 situation, we have adjusted our in-person Worship Service to safely accommodate those who are comfortable with gathering together. We encourage you to make the decision that is best for you and your family.
In-person Worship Service
We are excited to announce we are holding in-person worship service for our Sunday morining Worship Service. Sunday service will resume at the normal time 11:00am. We ask if you are not feeling well to remain at home for your safety and our congregations safety. Offering plates will not be passed,tithing offering boxes will be available at the front and back of the Sanctuary where you will place your envelopes in. We encourage you to sanitize your hands when entering and leaving the church. We will have hand santizer located in each entry areas of the Sanctuary. No printed bulletins will be provided and the choir books and bibles have been removed from the backs of the pews.
We will continue to monitor the conditions and standards and adjust as necessary.
Breakfast - temporarily suspended
No coffee or food will be served before or after service until further notice.
Sunday School - temporarily suspended
Sunday school classes have been temporarily suspended until further notice.
Adults - temporarily suspended
Adult Bible Study has been temporily suspended until further notice.
Where to enter into the Sanctuary
We would like anyone that does not have a disability to please enter and exit the Sanctuary by using the doors facing Interbay Blvd. If you have a disability you can still use the side entrances to the Sanctuary.
Children’s Church - temporarily suspended
Children's church is temporarily suspended until further notice.
Children's Day Care - suspended until further notice
We are more concerned about meeting your needs than what you wear. You will find men in jeans, suits and polo shirts. You can dress up or down; Ladies will wear a dress, pant suits, or jeans. What matters is that you come willing to learn from God’s Word and ready to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We offer on-site parking in the back of the church for all members and visitors. Handicap parking is also available for those that require it.